
Building Web3 Dapps with React: A Practical Guide

ethereumweb3solidityhardhatmetamasksmart contractsreacttypescript

As the next generation of the web (Web3) continues to emerge, decentralized apps (Dapps) are becoming increasingly popular. Dapps can natively interact with blockchain technologies and unlock endless possibilities for innovation. In this workshop, we will explore the core concepts of Web3 and learn how to build a full-stack Ethereum React application from scratch. We'll cover the fundamentals of building Dapps, including interacting with Ethereum smart contracts, managing transactions, and handling events. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a solid understanding of how to build and deploy a fully-functional Web3 Dapp using React, as well as an understanding of the unique challenges and considerations that come with developing decentralized applications.


1 day (6 hours)


  • Familiarity with React and its core concepts
  • Basic understanding of TypeScript programming language and its core concepts
  • Prior installation and setup of pnpm package manager
  • Prior installation and setup of MetaMask browser extension for accessing Ethereum blockchain applications.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the core concepts of Web3 and decentralized apps (Dapps)
  • Learn how to build a full-stack Ethereum React application from scratch
  • Gain practical experience in building Web3 Dapps with React


Session 1: Introduction to Web3 and Dapps with Ethereum

  • Overview of the workshop objectives
  • Introduction to Web3 and Ethereum
  • Explanation of decentralized apps (Dapps) and their potential

Session 2: Introduction to the Full-Stack Ethereum React Stack

  • Overview of the full-stack Ethereum React stack
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Introduction to Hardhat and its core concepts

Session 3: Set up and Connecting Your Wallet

  • Overview of Ethereum wallets
  • Setting up a MetaMask wallet
  • Connecting your wallet to the Ethereum network

Session 4: Writing Your First Smart Contract

  • Introduction to Solidity and smart contracts
  • Writing a simple smart contract using Solidity
  • Deploying the smart contract to the Ethereum network

Session 5: Sending a Transaction

  • Overview of transactions in Ethereum
  • Sending a transaction using a smart contract function
  • Handling transaction confirmations and errors

Session 6: Creating a Simple Ether Wallet

  • Building a simple Ether wallet using React
  • Connecting the wallet to the Ethereum network
  • Sending and receiving Ether using the wallet

Session 7: Creating an ERC20 Token

  • Introduction to ERC20 tokens
  • Writing an ERC20 token contract using Solidity
  • Deploying the ERC20 token to the Ethereum network
  • Interacting with the ERC20 token using a Dapp

Session 8: Conclusion and Next Steps

  • Recap of workshop topics and learning objectives
  • Discussion of next steps and resources for further learning This curriculum is designed to provide attendees with a practical understanding of how to build Web3 Dapps with React using Ethereum as the underlying blockchain. By the end of the workshop, attendees should have a solid understanding of the full-stack Ethereum React stack, including how to connect to the Ethereum network, write and deploy smart contracts, and build simple Ether wallets and ERC20 tokens. Attendees will also gain an understanding of the unique challenges and considerations that come with building decentralized applications.



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